- Who granted them the authority? 谁给他们的权力!
- The new law also grants them the right to litigate. 新法还赋予他们诉讼权。
- The king granted them passage through his realm. 国王准许他们通过他的领土。
- At the same time, we should never forget how ruthless our enemies are. We should not grant them the least forgiveness. 同时,我们永远也不要忘记,我们的敌人是多么凶残,对他们,连百分之一的原谅都不应有。
- At the same time,we should never forget how ruthless our enemies are. We should not grant them the least forgiveness. 同时,我们永远也不要忘记,我们的敌人是多么凶残,对他们,连百分之一的原谅都不应有。
- They are ZhangJiaxiang,LiWenbo,WangLihe,WuDi,JiaoDeyao,ZhaoXufeng,we grant them the "Most potential award"! 他们是张家祥、李文博、王礼鹤、吴迪、焦德耀、赵旭峰(排名不分先后),我们将‘最具潜力奖’颁发给他们!”
- A person such as a minor who have a right under the authority of a guardian. 如一个未成年人的权利,他的权利受监护人的管辖。
- So infantry preferred spear and pike, which gave them the ability to run through surrounded enemies like wild BBQ parties, let alone the protection it grant them against cavalries. 所以步兵喜欢用矛枪,有了矛枪,当他们把敌人包围起来时,可以像叉烤肉一样把他叉的满是窟窿-_-!当然矛枪也让他们能够更好的抵御骑兵。
- The heroine is the spitting image of the author. 书中女主人翁是作者的真实写照。
- In spite of poems, of prose, or of novelette, Mr.Chan's writings share the same gist: through them the author's philosophy is revealed. 综而观之,诗歌也好,散文也好,小说也好,殊体而同旨:这些作品均反映了作者独特的人生观和价值观。
- As to the author of the book, I will hazard a guess. 关於这本书的作者,我来试猜一下。
- The author dedicated her new book to her supportive family. 这位作家将她的新书献给支持她的家庭。
- The author is going to adapt his play for television. 作者将把他的剧本改编成电视剧。
- Who gave them the order to kill? 什么人指使军队去杀?
- The author's fingerprint is quite obvious in all of his works. 作者的特色在他所有的作品中都很明显。
- She showed them the way to do it. 她向他们示范做这件事的方法。
- You who take away the sins of the world Grant them everlasting rest. 上帝的羔羊,你拿掉了这个世界的罪,给予他们永远的安息吧。
- He is afraid to tell them the unpalatable truths. He is a dumb dog. 他不敢把令人不快的真情告诉他们。他是条哑吧狗。
- The author's opinion came through his novel. 从小说中可看出作者的观点。
- To grant them a peaceful and abundant year. 他们年年有余,国泰民安。